Interim Management Hiring Guide

by Alberto Fernández Varela in — July 2021
Talentor Spain / Servitalent has prepared an interim management hiring guide. The guide is for professionals who decide to undertake their work as interim managers or for companies that need more information about this management option.

Interim Management Hiring Guide by Talentor Spain

Recently Talentor Spain / Servitalent has launched the second edition of the interim management hiring guide. They present the results of their own study conducted between February and March 2021, interviewing more than 400 professionals, through LinkedIn, about the current state of interim management in Spain.

Interim Management is on the rise; especially when companies consider the benefits of this service, the reasons for this development are clear. Get (temporary) professional support from an expert just when you need it.

Please feel free to share this Guide with all your network!

Guia IM 2021 EN Portada 1