HR & New Work – smart, flexible, and still in fixing mode?

Ken Schmitt, CEO of TurningPoint Executive Search (Talentor USA), moderated the panel. The key themes of the vivid discussion were digging into the questions of:
- Is remote work the only new work being accepted by our future employees?
- What is the role of the future HR leader and what does it take to solve the HR challenges of the future?
- How can we create real flexibility?
- What does smart working mean, and how can we live it in our organizations?
- How can we create solutions that match the needs of our teams?
We’ve summarized the key insights of our top voices from the panel for you
Sara Razzicchia, HR Director Organon (a global healthcare company dedicated to improving women’s health – a fascinating value-driven company that is just starting to grow):
Diversity, belonging, and inclusiveness are key to build our culture and develop the company. We always start with our values, which are our lighthouse.
We need people that are curious and create trust, and trust us.
We all are talent.
The skills soon become obsolete, the secret ingredient is love. A culture where you are seen, heard and loved can achieve anything.
The leaders need to champion the values, and you’ll create a very engaging culture.
Serena Apicella, HR Expert and Counselor:
We really need trusted partners in the market that understand organizations deeply and find sustainable matches. You need to truly understand people and match values - no shortcuts and introductions that simply don’t match.
Patrizia Vanadia, HR Manager pressing DXC technology:
Engagement continues to be our priority. Our smart working approach ensures flexibility and work life balance for our people – this is most critical to retain and attract talent
The increasing inflation and general social and economic context will have an impact on compensation. This is an aspect to be considered and we need to work with this new reality.
Nicola Sgarallino, CEO Lancer:
We still need to really consider what industry we are talking about if we talk about full virtual work.
We need to be flexible, and we also need to be cautious that we do not create new challenges.
The biggest problem is still how we attract talent. And especially as a manufacturing company, without the ability to offer full virtual work for everyone.
Future HR Trends
Ken’s final question addressed future HR trends and which aspects the participants of the panel see as THE future ingredient for business and team success.
Go back to the people. See the attitude of people and believe in them. It all depends on how you treat people. Strategy and culture are THE critical aspects. Coping with crisis and uncertainty will be our reality and we need to trust our people that they do their best every day. Hybrid working means creating an environment that sparks innovation and creates a space where people will love to come to the office. Full remote is out of scope - we need our teams to be together.
Working with change will be there next year as well. How do we help leaders to be more prepared to lead their teams in a powerful and engaging ways?
Compensation will change drastically, and we need to work with this new reality.
We need to make sure that people are happy and look into flexible ways of creating work rhythms. We need to go back to create deep relationships and focus on sticking together as a team. It’s not enough to be connected through the internet. HR needs to guide the CEOs to help identify what tools we can use to solve our HR challenges together.
Big THANK YOU to our guests, for your time and sharing your passion with us! It was so much learning in this session and listening to your hands-on experience!
Thank you, Ken, for moderating and inviting your client Nicola to join us. And grazie to you, Gianluca – for inviting your clients and key voices to our summit!