Manto Antoniotti Solares —
July 2024

Building Stronger Futures with Long-term Partners: Introducing Talentor Estonia

Our partners from Estonia were the first ones from the Baltic region who joined the Talentor network more than 20 years ago, and we can say that it has been an incredible journey so far!
Gertraud Eregger —
July 2024

Decoding Market Insights across IT markets: Introduction to our IT Practice Group

The IT Practice Group is a global community here at Talentor International of recruiters, spanning regions from Australia to the Netherlands. Our mission? To understand the ever-changing IT job market, share insights, and elevate our recruitment strategies.
Gertraud Eregger —
July 2024

AI & its role in finding talent: Talentor's Global Talent Survey 2024

In today's competitive landscape, successful companies rely on global talent to thrive, innovate, and sustain growth. While the urgency to hire aggressively has diminished compared to previous years, top candidates still have the upper hand in selecting their next employer. In this fast-paced…
Michael Sarsteiner —
July 2024

We are present in Denmark! Introducing our new partners mpeople

Denmark, a country renowned for its picturesque landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture. Nestled in Northern Europe, Denmark boasts a high quality of life, excellent education, and a strong commitment to sustainability. But beyond its scenic beauty and cultural treasures, Denmark also shines…
Manto Antoniotti Solares —
July 2024

A Long-standing Partnership: All about Talentor Lithuania

It’s been more than 17 years since our partners from Lithuania joined the Talentor network, and we can say that it has been an incredible journey so far!
Hana Hadzic —
June 2024

Introducing the Talentor Research Round Table: Where ideas, experiences, failures and much more find a room for exchange

We launched the Research Round Table at Talentor a few years ago. Our motivation and intentions were tied to the fact that the world of candidates is constantly changing. Candidates are increasingly working remotely, and the entire global world of work has also been transformed to a large extent.…
Tomáš Prajzler —
June 2024

Talentor Czech Republic: 20 Years Finding the Leaders for Tomorrow

This month, Talentor Czech Republic is celebrating 20 years since its foundation, and we wanted all the Talentor Community to join us in celebrating!
Manto Antoniotti Solares —
June 2024

A Partnership that lasts: All about Talentor Ukraine

It’s been more than 3 years since our partners from Ukraine “MIRA Top Recruiting” joined the Talentor network, and we can say that it has been an incredible journey so far!
Hana Hadzic —
June 2024

Inside the Industry Practice Group at Talentor

At Talentor we believe in the power of knowledge sharing and collaboration fostering among our whole community. But how can we manage to facilitate these two actions within a global community present all around the world? One of the main solutions that we developed and we see that adds full value…
Sabine Steiner —
May 2024

Talentor’s Practice Groups: Adding value to our network

At Talentor we believe in the power of knowledge sharing and collaboration fostering among our whole community. But how can we manage to facilitate these two actions within a global community present all around the world? One of the main solutions that we developed, and we see that adds full value…
Manto Antoniotti Solares —
April 2024

Sabrina Bao is Talentor China’s new Associate Partner

We have great news from our partners in China! This past month, Sabrina Bao, has become Associate Partner at Talentor China and as she mentions it has been a very valuable and exciting journey since her beginnings in the company. Learn more about her new role and professional experience here!
Sabine Steiner —
April 2024

We are now in Colombia! Introducing our new partners Arquitectura del Talento

At Talentor International we are very proud to put one more pin on the map of the Latin American territory! We believe in the enormous potential and professionalism of this region and that is why we are very happy to enhance Talentor's presence in South America, especially in Colombia, and we have…