10 steps to a successful employer branding strategy

Would you buy a product from an unsympathetic supplier with bad reviews? Probably not. Just like products, companies have their own brand that candidates and employees associate with. Your employer brand is the figurehead of your company - it shows what you stand for and what makes you unique. In…

Candidate experience - how to apply it to your candidates

What do candidates expect from the application process? To get the best talent on board, you need a concrete plan. We reveal valuable tips and tricks about Candidate Experience here.

Performance Recruiting: Lead pipeline or bottomless pit?

Unraveling the Marketing Practice Group at Talentor

Talentor's Marketing Group was formed in September 2021, after Talentor launched an open invitation to all its global partners encouraging them to involve the members of their teams who were responsible for marketing tasks within the companies or for all those who wanted to join efforts in this…

Relationship marketing in the Executive Search Business

Companies are managed by people… this is not news, but it is new to think that what makes them human is the set of individuals (people) with unique ideas, aspirations and principles that make up those companies. That is why it is very important for companies to take these human factors into account…

How digital strategy can help to find and onboard new employees?

It is not uncommon for all professionals to resort to digital tools and strategies nowadays. Moreover, the digital world is increasingly present in our daily lives, and companies dedicated to different human resources services are no exception.

Recognizing the value that HR gives to the organization through stereotypes

Last May 20th we celebrated the International Human Resources Day, a celebration well known in the people and business world that we wanted to echo in Talentor International for the second consecutive year with the support of our partners!

Headhunting - Looking for new talent... a German podcast story

When and why do companies actually need a headhunter? The hosts Marco Dadomo and Sarah Janczura from VDI, the Association of German Engineers, talk about this question with our German partner Jochen Markgraf in their podcast ‘Technology on the Ear’. Jochen is the Managing Director at Talentor…

8 Ways to Promote Diversity and Inclusion as a Business

There are good reasons why the topic of diversity and inclusion is one of the top recruiting trends in 2021 (and beyond): studies show that diverse, inclusive teams are not only more performant, but also that they make companies more attractive to potential employees. Discover how you can use…

Offboarding: When Employees Leave the Ship

Is a quiet goodbye the right move when an employee leaves your company? Or is this the perfect opportunity for employers to applaud loudly, spread red roses, and say a loud “thank you!” Over the past few years, onboarding has come into focus. Now it is time to give the same attention to exit…

Communication 2.021

An analysis of how communication in professional relations has changed and will change in 2021.

10 Steps to a Successful Employer Branding Strategy

Would you buy an anonymous product from a disagreeable vendor with bad online reviews? We wouldn’t, either. Just like products, businesses have a brand or an image that lives inside the heads of their employees and candidates. The employer brand ought to communicate what a business stands for and…