10 steps to a successful employer branding strategy

by Manto Antoniotti Solares in — March 2025
Would you buy a product from an unsympathetic supplier with bad reviews? Probably not. Just like products, companies have their own brand that candidates and employees associate with. Your employer brand is the figurehead of your company - it shows what you stand for and what makes you unique. In this article, we present 10 practical steps to a successful employer branding strategy.
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Why employer branding is more important than ever today

You know how quickly a review can be written and the circle of friends, club colleagues and the neighborhood informed. In times of shrinking teams and growing demands, a strong employer brand is becoming increasingly important. A Stepstone study shows the effectiveness of active work on employer attractiveness:

84.3 % of respondents are more motivated
78.5% are more productive
72.2% of employees recommend the company to others
81.9% stay with the company longer

Goals of employer branding

  • More success in recruiting new employees
  • Retention of existing employees
  • Reduce fluctuation & save costs
  • Know-how remains in the company
  • Ensure the company's competitiveness through qualified specialists
  • Improve the corporate culture and working atmosphere
  • Increased productivity
  • Last but not least: strengthening the employer image

Sexy and you know it? How to create a top employer brand

Successful employer branding is based on several key elements:

  • Authenticity: the company's values and culture are communicated authentically and consistently.
  • Clarity of message: The employer brand conveys clearly defined values and a convincing vision.
  • Employee engagement: Employees are the best ambassadors for your company.
  • Online presence: The visibility of your employer brand, especially on social media (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Performance Recruiting) and career sites, is crucial.

Sharpen your profile. Start with the ACTUAL analysis and define the TARGET state. Behind every unique employer brand are the following questions:

  • What makes me stand out as an employer:in? (Employer value proposition?)
  • How can I be the 12 on the scale of 1 to 10 as an employer?
  • How can I offer an attractive workplace?
  • What feedback do I get from employees and candidates? What do I do with it?
  • What is particularly important to my target group?
  • Where does my company stand in terms of employee benefits: avant-garde, state-of-the-art, gray mass, last cough?
  • What motivates employees to stay with us for a long time?

People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it.

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10 steps to a successful employer branding strategy

A good employer branding strategy attracts talent and reduces hiring costs and fluctuation. The first question is: What makes me an employer of choice?

  • Define your Employer Value Proposition (EVP). What does your DNA as an employer look like? Does it already convey this? What values, visions and corporate culture characterize your working environment? Your employer brand is built on these pillars. An authentic and clearly communicated EVP forms the foundation of your employer branding strategy and sets you apart from the competition. Simon Sinek inspired us in this respect with the simple question “Why?”.
  • Ask yourself questions about pain. Sometimes it really does hurt. But: “You have to feel it to heal it.” Only by taking an honest look at the current status of your employer brand can you identify potential for improvement and derive targeted measures. Pain questions can be: Why isn't anyone applying for our job vacancies? How attractive are we to the candidates we want? What do the specialists we are looking for want? How do we attract the right professionals to the company?
  • Integrate your employees into the process. Employees are

    1. part of the employer brand
    2. the target group and
    3. the brand ambassadors.

    Employees are not only part of your employer brand, they are also your best brand ambassadors. Use employee surveys, feedback rounds and workshops to gain valuable insights and ensure a high level of internal participation. This allows you to develop your employer brand from the inside out and ensure that it is authentic.

  • Dump meaningless job advertisements. Candidates use search engines and job portals to look for clearly worded jobs. Taking the time to create a job description saves time when selecting applicants. Put yourself in the position of the job seeker and write the job advertisement as it is being sought. We have set out exactly what you need to pay attention to in our guide to the perfect job advertisement, including a checklist and practical tips.
  • Use your careers page as a central hub. The careers page is one of the best employer branding tools. It should be designed intuitively and present all relevant information clearly: from vacancies and company videos to direct application opportunities. Tip: Let ChatGPT help you with this. Inflationary phrases such as “We focus on people” are just as well received as benefits that nobody needs, rigid working hours or dress codes (yes, they still exist). ChatGPT is also patient when it comes to editing.
  • Tell your company story. People love stories. Use storytelling to communicate your company values, culture and vision. Tell your story through images, videos, blog posts and social media. Authentic storytelling can not only be convincing in a job advertisement but can also make the difference in a job interview.
  • Develop a first-class onboarding experience. New employees are professionally, socially and emotionally integrated into the company more quickly when structured onboarding takes place. Be the 12 on a scale of 1 to 10 and dig deep into the appreciation box! For example, we get to know the team in advance (takes away a lot of nervousness before the first day of work), a welcome breakfast on the first day, a welcome folder with important information including an organizational chart and training plan, a buddy system, scheduled feedback meetings and cross-departmental training. Good recruiting does not end with the signed employment contract. A successful onboarding process is a sign of respect.
  • Upskilling and reskilling: further training and development opportunities. The majority of employees leave a job because they are bored, want new challenges or no longer find meaning in their tasks.
  • Use review platforms such as kununu or Glassdoor. Nowadays, hardly any company is a blank slate on the highly frequented employer review portal - currently 10+ million reviews can be found on kununu. Because nobody likes to buy a pig in a poke. Actively use these platforms to receive and respond to feedback. An open and transparent approach to reviews shows that you take the opinions of your employees seriously and are continuously working on your corporate culture.
  • Action eats everything for breakfast.” We agree with Johan Eriksson, Insights & Analytics Leader at Google. To achieve real change, action is needed: The actual implementation of measures and promises made, open communication, a culture of error and tangible appreciation.
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Manto Antoniotti Solares

Marketing Consultant