LinkedIn Industry Trends

by Manto Antoniotti Solares in — June 2021
Recently at the Talentor International Partners Meeting, we had the great opportunity to listen and learn a lot from Adam Hawkins, an Industry LinkedIn consultant expert. He talked to us about the latest industry trends on the professional network LinkedIn, the markets before and after the Pandemic and how the industries and their talent acquisition strategies changed in different regions.

As we could imagine all the actual industry data was affected by Covid- 19. Its general impact on every industry and market was reflected on three main topics that our expert highlighted:

  • Digital transformation
  • Workforce transformation
  • Workplace transformation

The digital transformation because of the digitalization and the data technology available from several companies globally.

The workforce transformation showing the skill gap in several job positions or companies that were affected.

And the workplace transformation evolving from a very established and defined workspace to a more flexible and remote one.

The skills that companies are seeking and need the most in 2021 are:

  • Data IT Analytics, because of the unstoppable digital transformation.
  • Resilience, because of the pandemic impact on people.

During the first semester of 2021, most of the markets are recovering across the globe. Most of them had to transform and differentiate themselves from the rest of their competition to stay strong. For example, we see a lot of retail and manufacturing markets evolving to e-commerce. And also most of the recovery of the markets is still depending on the vaccine advance in each country. It is not a surprise that Healthcare and IT sectors were resilient and went up during 2020 in the U.S and Europe (like in Germany, France, Spain, Italy, etc).

Regarding the tendency of job posting and searching behaviour globally it is interesting because the job posting of the companies on LinkedIn reflected that the most dominant sectors all around the globe were: construction, industry, transport and logistics. Meanwhile, the demand for jobs in general on LinkedIn is pretty stable for quite a long period of time, setting the tendency for candidates to seek a “flexible workplace”. A tendency on the rise even before Covid- 19, representing 78% of the work search on LinkedIn. And 66% of people that are already working remotely showed effectiveness on their job, becoming a trend too because of its diversity and innovative meaning, allowing people to stay stable and finding a job that better suits their actual situation and goals, but to always keep looking for new opportunities from home.

Linked In covid Impact

Without any doubt, presentism is still very important to people and companies but remote work is here to stay and a lot of companies are considering a more flexible or hybrid situation that can work for both parties choosing when and where to work focusing on the agility of their workforce, bringing more diversity and inclusion for their team, costs savings, etc.

As a global headhunters network, it is very important that we know how the market is responding to a certain situation, especially a post-pandemic one, that has affected each and one of us partners, our clients and our candidates. I certainly hope that soon we land on a more positive landscape to keep offering the best professional opportunities to our clients and candidates.

Manto Antoniotti Solares (Marketing)

Talentor International Team Manto Antoniotti 2

Manto Antoniotti Solares

Marketing Consultant