These 5 mistakes in your job advertisement cost you money

by Manto Antoniotti Solares in — March 2025
Discover the most common mistakes in job advertisements and how they cost companies money. Avoid these pitfalls to prevent legal problems and financial losses!
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Mistake #1: The salary information is missing or incorrect

This may depend on the location of the job. In the United States, there is no federal mandate requiring employers to include salary information in job advertisements. However, several states and localities have enacted pay transparency laws that impose such requirements. The same thing happens in European countries such as Spain, Poland, and Germany. However, the European Union's Pay Transparency Directive (Directive (EU) 2023/970), which came into force on June 6, 2023, aims to strengthen the principle of equal pay for equal work between men and women, according to rexx systems.

On the other side, as of May 2023, approximately 46% of job postings in India included employer-provided salary details, marking a 64% increase over the previous year. This shift is particularly notable in major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore, which have seen significant increases in job postings with salary information. For instance, Delhi experienced a 208% rise, Mumbai 71%, and Bangalore 63%, according to peoplematters,

In the case of Austria, since March 1, 2011, companies have had to state the salary in job advertisements, according to epunkt. The following points must be observed:

  • Amount
  • time unit (hour, week, month)
  • no pro-rata special payments
  • Inclusion of known personal allowances

Are there exceptions? Yes. Job advertisements for senior management positions, such as managing directors and board members of a corporation, do not need to include salary information.

We recommend you check your locality if there exist any possible sanctions for violations in this matter.

Mistake #2: No gender equality

Gender-specific salutations in job advertisements are prohibited and can result in fines. Make sure to use neutral wording and only define requirements that are really relevant to the advertised position.


  • Gendering in the job title: Job title (f/m/x), English (f/m/x)
  • Gender according to the following spelling: employees:innen. (The following spellings only refer to men and women and exclude other identities: colleagues/innen, specialistsIinnen)
  • For foreign language job titles without a German female form, add the w/m/x suffix, e.g. Product Developer (w/m/x)
  • Addition: Applications from women in male-dominated areas are particularly welcome (the same applies vice versa for men in female-typical areas)


  • Address only women or men
  • Comments that indicate a specific gender
  • Linguistically incorrect formulations such as “We are looking for a software developer”
  • Gender-specific heading/job title and neutral text
  • Requirements that have nothing to do with professional qualifications

Mistake #3: Discrimination based on ethnicity or religion

According to the Austrian Equal Treatment Act (GlBG), no one may be discriminated against on the basis of ethnic origin or religion when establishing an employment relationship, either directly or indirectly, in the application process.

This starts with the correct wording in the job advertisement

  • “German as a mother tongue” discriminated against!
  • No notes like “nationals only! ”
  • No excessive requirements (“ kitchen help with perfect German ”)
  • Better : Very good knowledge of German and English

Mistake #4: Discrimination based on age or sexual orientation

Age discrimination does not only affect the older generation, but often younger ones as well. Any indication of a specific desired age group is prohibited in job advertisements.

Mistake #5: The search takes too long

The costs of unfilled positions
The “cost of vacancy” describes the financial losses caused by unfilled positions in a company. These costs can be significant, as they include not only lost revenue and productivity losses, but also the additional burden on existing employees who have to take on additional tasks.

Here are a few examples:

Manager, annual gross salary €100,000
Vacant position: 154 days
Cost of Vacancy = €184,064

Software Engineer, annual gross salary €60,000
Vacant position: 122 days
Cost of Vacancy = €87,490

Use this formula to calculate the “Cost of Vacancy”
Annual gross salary / working days x factor X * x duration of the position (until the actual start) *Factor X = impact on the overall result (1 to 3, depending on the impact on the business result)

Filling these positions quickly and effectively is therefore crucial to minimise negative impacts on business operations. By working with us, companies can close these gaps more quickly. We have access to a broad network of qualified candidates and the expertise to identify and approach the best talent. This not only reduces the cost of vacancy, but also improves the quality of the employees hired, which contributes to higher company performance in the long term.

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Original publication in German by epunkt:

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Manto Antoniotti Solares

Marketing Consultant