Introducing the Talentor Research Round Table: Where ideas, experiences, failures and much more find a room for exchange

by Hana Hadzic in — June 2024
We launched the Research Round Table at Talentor a few years ago. Our motivation and intentions were tied to the fact that the world of candidates is constantly changing. Candidates are increasingly working remotely, and the entire global world of work has also been transformed to a large extent. In order to always stay up to date, we have created a space for our Talentor community where they can not only exchange ideas and discuss with each other, but where we also invite other partners to present at these sessions and introduce their way of working.
Blog 2024 Talentor International Research Round Table Workable Cover

We also deal with innovative topics such as AI and research tools to share them with each other, so that everyone keep up with the innovations in the global recruitment market. Finding candidates is something that each of us does, but with a different approach and strategy. If we link these all together, we can learn from each other and try out other options. Every market and every industry work differently, but in principle we all have the same goal: To find the best candidate for our clients. This one can often be found in a roundabout way and also by acquiring more knowledge.

To get a better insight into the topics we work on here at our Research Round Table, we give an example from our last session at the beginning of June this year. In this session, our colleague and partner Gianluca Gioia from MCS Management Consulting & Selection in Italy presented the "Workable" tool that he and his team work with. Gianluca's company has a broad industry focus in Executive Search and he himself is an experienced consultant for over 20 years in this field. We at Talentor are happy to have such a strong partner on the Italian market. The main aim of our session with Gianluca as a speaker was to introduce the basic functions and how to enter and process candidates. The focus was on how to easily transfer interview notes into the tool in order to create the candidate report. A relevant point in talent acquisition that consultants and researchers deal with. The aim is to simplify this process and make it as efficient as possible.

Blog 2024 Talentor International Research Round Table Workable

It is important for us to present such tools, especially when our partners work with them every day. A wide variety of tools are used internationally in the Talentor network and that is exactly what makes it so exciting for everyone to learn more about them. Some people then feel inspired to try out a tool that another Talentor partner uses in their office, if it is also available in their country. In international recruitment, we always want to be at the forefront and up to date. That is why not only tools but also topics such as AI, for example ChatGPT can also be used well for candidate searches, are advantageous for us. With regard to AI, new topics and areas of application are constantly being added at a rapid pace and since this happens even faster on an international level, we always try to promote the best possible platform for further development in terms of global exchange for our partners.

With regard to "Workable", we have learned that it can be ideally linked to platforms such as LinkedIn, which are mainly used for candidate searches alongside databases or other social media. This is something that simplifies the process from candidate search to the approach to the first interview and the associated notes in many ways. Gianluca said the following about this:

"The ease of handling and transforming notes into a complete candidate report saves an incredible amount of time. Just like the link from LinkedIn to the candidate profile for the transfer of individual data required for the report."

He also pointed out that communication within his team is always a priority. The efficiency of this also influences the projects and "Workable" is also a good support in this regard:

"This tool also simplifies communication between teams, as it allows you to exchange messages quickly and easily. This means you are always up to date about the candidates and their processes. The same applies to communication with the candidates themselves."

In summary, we look back on a fruitful and stimulating session in which we left room for questions after Gianluca's introduction. The other participants were also able to contribute their tools and experiences or even show them online directly in the session. We are looking forward to the next Research Round Table after the summer and to all the new things that will be available in the areas of research, candidate experience and technical innovations by then.