Investing in our leaders for tomorrow

by Gertraud Eregger in — October 2023
Talentor International wanted to create and boost initiatives for the talents in our global group for long. We proudly announced the kick-off of our latest initiative: The Leaders4Tomorrow Program!
Blog 2023 Talentor International Leaders 4 Tomorrow Program Official Pic

8 talents from 5 countries, from Gen Z and Gen Y, will work for one year together. The focus of the customized leadership program for leaders in the recruiting industry is:

  • Especially Gen Z wishes for more personal development work and space to work on goals. Working on your leadership skills in a personal, empowering, and open space will accelerate learning across generations and roles.
  • A mix of guided keynote speaker sessions from high-level coaches, TedX Speakers, CEOs, and VP HR leaders from all parts of the world inspiring new insights and the latest research on leadership challenges in a fast-paced industry like the recruiting industry
  • Working on a strategic project gives the opportunity to create ideas and turn them into impact that will positively influence the business in the own organization

And we want to give some insights into why we started a program for our future leaders in the group?

You’re only as successful as your team working on the core work of your recruiting business. Investing in your talents, future leaders and current leaders in your organization will be your greatest ROI.

Learning happens outside of your comfort zone and needs a safe space: connecting with leaders in other Talentor markets creates a ripple effect of learning:

  • you see your story in someone’s else’s story.
  • you may ask for advice that you usually do not ask in your own organization.
  • you can make all mistakes on the planet and talk about them very openly.
  • you can hear ideas and solutions that are new to you

Voices from the Talentor Leadership team and Program Manager, who supported the program from the very first moment:

‘’At Talentor we really see who drives success at our partners: It’s the talents driving operations, leading and motivating teams. As owner of a recruiting company you’re only successful when you learn to invest in your people. I’m really happy that we make this year the Leaders4Tomorrow program happen, as we wanted to always support the future generations with many more activities.’’

Michael Sarsteiner - CEO Talentor International

‘’I’m so curious to see our talents from all participating countries grow and connect. Nothing makes me more happy than seeing partners of us connect, exchange ideas and grow along side. We’re now creating this global community also for the future talents, and especially the strategic projects will be interesting learning cases for all of us.’’

Sabine Steiner
- COO Talentor International

‘’We’ve created this program with my own challenges in mind, that I faced when leading a 30+ people recruiting operations in Ethiopia. New to leadership, new to overseeing not one team but multiple teams and new to turning visions into growth – the lessons and learnings were earned with an overload of fear, anxiety to fail and intense overwork, so at the beginning I’ve not been able to double down on the most important skills to build trust: listening to the team, understanding where they come from and what they have achieved so far, and creating a vision that everyone inspires. This program is for everyone wearing big shoes and growing into them with a global support system of peers. It’s a space to share challenges and be vulnerable, and not having all answers.’’

Gertraud Eregger - Partner Acquisition Talentor International

Learning needs space and invested time

We believe that leaders work on both human and strategy skills throughout their career. At certain points in your career in recruiting, having support and spaces to reflect your own skills, learn new insights and exchange with leaders from your industry in other parts of the world is a gamechanger in accelerating your ability to lead.

Leadership is the essence of the recruiting industry. We lead candidates and clients through highly complex projects, picking up tasks that had been tried before. Communication, presence and leading both candidates and clients is at the core of what success is in recruiting: sustainable hirings of top talent that will grow in the client’s organization.

As a recruiter your job is leading clients, candidates, expectations and aligning all of them.

As a team leader your job is to create a space for team spirit, celebrating your successes and giving space to discuss challenges in the team. Leading recruiting teams means navigating time pressure, inspiring and also pressuring goals and making both your boss and your candidates and clients happy. The juggle of operations and leading the team, being there for everyone, listening and thinking about how to develop everyone is not easy to find balance with.

As operations manager your job is to create an environment where team leads, and their teams thrive. Feeling supported by entire operations, always thinking ahead of creating new clients and business. This is one of the most critical positions in a recruiting business. It determines the value of a recruiting business, as most operational success and the core of our business is managed here. It is also the utmost pressured leadership level, leading teams, departments and also leading the owner / management team in the everyday challenges.

As managing director / owner of a recruiting company your only job is to co-create a vision for the company. A north star that indicates where we’re heading with all growth ambitions, and making sure, that everyone feels part of the vision. It’s your everyday job to make this vision tangible, include it in every presentation, speech, create a culture of transparency, a culture to celebrate successes and to feel uplifted when there are too many failed projects and pressure in the air. Leadership is how you show up every day, and how your team models you (which happens automatically).

Leadership is how to navigate the most challenging times like now. The recruiting industry is the first to immediately be impacted by the fear of the market and cost savings.

The Leaders4Tomorrow Program is a compass and solution we created to navigate challenging times in our industry – as a recruiter, as team lead, leading operations.

We consciously created a diverse group of leaders, so we can learn from each other’s experiences, the questions that we have before leading teams and the experience of already leading an entire operation. Big thanks to our partners in Switzerland, the Netherlands, Latvia, Austria and Ukraine for supporting the Leadership program and nominating their top talent to join!

The Leaders4Tomorrow Program was now officially started at the Talentor Summit in Amsterdam! The Leadership Workbook, a stylish back-bag, and Manner sweets will help to find our way to the summit of the program. Excited to start our learning journey together and guiding you through the program!
