The 4-day week … a talent magnet and the glue for your team

The long history of a men-made 5-day week
Prior to delving into the data-driven aspects of the four-day work week and reviewing all relevant studies, we suggest taking the time to watch a short video from the Washington Post.
This video provides a brief overview of the history behind our current standard of working Monday through Friday, 9-5 minimum, and how we have now started to shift towards a reduction in work hours instead of glorifying longer ones. It has been a lengthy journey, but we are finally making progress.
Link to the Video.
Tested to stay: Diving into the studies that had been running since 2015…
The four-day week has been extensively tested in different countries, with some remarkable results. For instance, in a pilot program in the UK comprising 61 companies and around 2,900 workers, employees' well-being improved significantly.
A "before and after" data showed that 39% of employees were less stressed, 71% had reduced levels of burnout, and levels of anxiety, fatigue, and sleep issues decreased while mental and physical health improved.
In addition to the benefits of shorter working hours on employees' well-being, a four-day week can help businesses reduce their staff turnover. During the trial period, the number of staff leaving participating companies decreased significantly, dropping by 57%.
One of the main advantages of the four-day week is its flexibility. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to implementing it, as different companies have different needs and goals.
Some companies may choose to drop Fridays, while others may focus on the days when they need most of their team members present. Others may opt for decentralized options, always in focus that the overall business is running smoothly and especially that clients are receiving the same service level.
The end of the Great Resignation
Nonetheless, among companies that implemented a four-day workweek, we observed a significant decrease in the probability of employee turnover from the comparison period to the trial period. We measured this as the number of resignations per 100 employees and noted a decline from 2 to 0.8, indicating a 57% decrease. This indicates that adopting a four-day workweek assisted in lowering employee departures from these organizations.
You’re looking at giving people 40, 50 extra days a year, which is incredible really… If we can make it work, it’s very precious.
CEO, non-profit organization – UK study
Another benefit of the four-day week is that it can help businesses attract and retain top talent. The four-day week can be a powerful way to integrate work and life much better, not just for employees but for all members of a family.
Link to read into the UK study – one of the biggest studies on the impacts of the 4-day week worldwide:
The Friday of the four-day week became highly protected in some companies, with the fifth day having a similar status to a Saturday or Sunday, meaning that company seniors made a special effort to ensure working would never be necessary.
The four-day week has been tested in different countries, including Iceland and Japan. In Iceland, from 2015 to 2019, over 2,500 employees participated in one of the largest experiments on the four-day week, with remarkable results. In Microsoft Japan, employees tested a four-day week under certain conditions, such as limiting meetings to 30 minutes and holding more video conferences, resulting in a nearly 40% increase in productivity.
Tune into both studies of Japan and Iceland and read those articles in more depth:
- Experiment in Iceland: "Can the four-day week revolutionize work in Iceland?" - Link:
- Experiment in Microsoft Japan: "The results of Microsoft's experiment with a 4-day workweek sound almost too good to be true" - Link:
An experiment in the recruiting industry – epunkt implemented the 4 day week as a glue for the team and magnet for new talent
After the trial period, it was found that productivity couldn't compensate for the reduction in hours. However, the management decided to permanently implement the 34-hour workweek with full pay until further notice. Andrea Bertl, Managing Director at epunkt, explained that the trial period was too short to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the four-day week. Employees need time to adjust and reorganize. Additionally, there were many holidays, a vacation catch-up effect, and the after-effects of newly introduced software.

‘’If you don't support the idea of the four-day week, you can blame it for everything that doesn't work. But we believe in the benefits of reducing working hours, such as productivity gains, enormous recovery effects, and employee retention." - said Andrea Bertl, in an interview with the newspaper Kontrast
In conclusion, the four-day week may be a win-win solution for both employees and businesses. It can improve employees' well-being, increase productivity, reduce staff turnover, and attract and retain top talent. Moreover, it can be customized to fit different businesses' needs and goals, making it a flexible and adaptable solution.
So, what are you waiting for?
Give the four-day week a try and see the positive impact it can have on your work and life.
And…if you are currently running a 4-day model as a recruiting company, let us know your experience. We are very curious to follow the front-runners in our industry, exchange experiences & learn from each other’s journeys.