The top 5 reasons high performers quit their jobs!

by Hana Hadzic in — May 2024
While working on the processes of searching and selecting, recruiters and head hunters discover on daily basis new reasons why employees change jobs. While this is still somewhat of a taboo issue, after establishing a relationship with the candidate, they will likely tell you the main reason why they are thinking about changing their job. Because candidates feel uncomfortable at first, they usually give a diplomatic answer and state general reasons, such as saturation with their current job, lack of new challenges or a desire for progress. But what really lies behind all this is more difficult to grasp.
Blog 2024 Talentor International Employees Quit Their Job

Given that motivation depends on our personality, which meets many different factors in the work environment, the reasons for dissatisfaction can be very different, but also complex. Much research carried out among the working population indicates that there are several dimensions of organizational climate that are universally important to all employees like the physical, social, psychological, and organizational environment. In other words, these dimensions of the working environment are important to employees and, if they meet certain requirements, can lead to satisfaction in the workplace and prevent them from leaving their current companies in the search of another one that fullfills them all!

The TOP 5 Reasons why employees are looking for new job opportunities

  1. Lack of Vision
    One of the most common reasons for leaving a company is its lack of vision and strategy. A clear line of business development serves as a compass for employees in their daily work. For them, it is important to know Where we are going (meaningfulness of existence and work).
  2. Lack of opportunities for professional development
    Another dimension that is also highly important to most employees is professional competence and training opportunities. Candidates in the selection process often talk about the lack of opportunities for further professional development with their current employer.

    With the current boom in artificial intelligence (AI), it is more important than ever to encourage and promote training on these topics in the workplace. By understanding AI concepts and applications, employees can adapt to technological advancements, enhance their skills, remain competitive in the job market, and contribute effectively to innovative projects within their organizations. Something that benefits both parties, employee and employer.

  3. Poor work environment – lack of friendliness, trust mutual respect
    We spend more than half of our day in the workplace, so it is natural we expect the working environment in which we work to be friendly and governed by relations of trust, mutual respect and understanding.
  4. Lack of good communication within organizational units
    Good communication within organizational units is essential for workers at a company because it fosters collaboration, ensures clarity of goals and tasks, reduces misunderstandings and conflicts, and ultimately enhances productivity and morale.
  5. Lack of information about business performance
    Equally important to the first four reasons is, timely information about events and business performance. When all employees are well-informed about business events and plans, this reduces the gossip that regularly fills the empty communication space and results in the transmission of misinformation and unnecessary increases in dissatisfaction.

If you want to have the best experts from the market in your company, you should know that quality requirements are essential for such employees. You may succeed in hiring them, but if they eventually notice that the quality of services and products is not at the highest level, they will be bothered by it. Therefore, strive for excellence in business because this is what the best employees are looking for. To retain top talent, companies today are trying to create an innovative environment where new ideas and improvements of products or services are valued and rewarded. This will also increase their preoccupation with work.

The most sensitive issue in the process of changing jobs at this moment is the superior. If there are deficiencies related to business processes or structures, candidates usually have no problem expressing their dissatisfaction. However, when it comes to their superiors, we all know that it is not socially desirable to talk negatively about this. Therefore, this information is the hardest to obtain from candidates. What employees expect from a superior is fair management. They expect realistic goal setting, regular monitoring of their work, feedback, and in the end just reward. In other words, employees expect to have a superior with excellent people management skills.

Recruiters are often asked by job applicants what new and better conditions the potential employer offers. What they are, in fact, interested in at that moment is one of the aforementioned information about the employer. Therefore, if you can boast with some good practices or measurements of employee satisfaction, this can certainly be your trump card in the quest for the best.