Consumer Goods & Retail

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Are you a leader in the human resources area? Don't start your work year without this strategic plan

The beginning of the year is an unparalleled opportunity to reflect, plan and set a clear direction for the human resources area. As the leader of this department, your role is crucial to positively impact not only organizational processes, but also the well-being and performance of employees.…

Why personality analyses make the decisive difference in recruiting

There are few things that cause companies more headaches than employees who leave after just a few months. The reason is often that there is no interpersonal fit. Can personality analyses in recruiting be the solution?

Expanding Our Reach: Introducing Confisa International Group

We are excited to welcome our new Talentor partners from Mexico, Confisa International Group! With their extensive expertise in executive search and a deep understanding of the local Mexican and international talent landscape, Confisa is a perfect fit for the Talentor network. Known for their…

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“Gusti’s key differentiator is longstanding relationships, connections at all levels and in many industries. Her judgement of the suitability of a candidate is vital.
