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Insights from a global network

10 steps to a successful employer branding strategy

Would you buy a product from an unsympathetic supplier with bad reviews? Probably not. Just like products, companies have their own brand that candidates and employees associate with. Your employer brand is the figurehead of your company - it shows what you stand for and what makes you unique. In…

New partners, new horizons: Welcoming Boomerang from Spain

At Talentor, we believe that great partnerships drive success. That’s why we’re excited to introduce our new partner in Spain: Boomerang! With a strong track record in executive search and talent solutions, Boomerang brings a fresh, dynamic approach to recruitment—perfectly aligning with Talentor’s…
Today's business and work environment is highly competitive, dynamic and constantly evolving. Given this reality, expectations of leaders and managers have changed significantly. Today, it is not enough to have experience and technical knowledge; a set of skills and competencies is required to face…

Transparency is our compass in business. At Talentor, we navigate with transparent clear communication, guidelines for members and simplicity—building trust for lasting success.

Barbara Hansen — Talentor Partner in Czech Republic
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Be part of our international network and enjoy the diverse benefits of a partner system in HR.

We are expanding the international Talentor network. Our goal for the future is to create a true partner system: An innovative concept for executive search to become the market leader in our industry. We are looking for people (companies) who share the same mindset and attitudes.

  • Access the network
  • Increase local turnover
  • Use synergies