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Insights from a global network

Manto Antoniotti Solares —
April 2024

Sabrina Bao is Talentor China’s new Associate Partner

We have great news from our partners in China! This past month, Sabrina Bao, has become Associate Partner at Talentor China and as she mentions it has been a very valuable and exciting journey since her beginnings in the company. Learn more about her new role and professional experience here!
Gertraud Eregger —
April 2024

Is AI our new intern in the recruiting industry?

At Talentor International's Leaders4Tomorrow Program, we had the pleasure of meeting Henna Pryor. Henna is an accomplished speaker, coach, and author, known for her insightful talks and expertise in workplace performance. With a background in recruiting, she understands the challenges of the…
Sabine Steiner —
April 2024

We are now in Colombia! Introducing our new partners Arquitectura del Talento

At Talentor International we are very proud to put one more pin on the map of the Latin American territory! We believe in the enormous potential and professionalism of this region and that is why we are very happy to enhance Talentor's presence in South America, especially in Colombia, and we have…

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We are grateful to Talentor Lithuania for professionally and effectively provided services to our group of companies.

Kazimieras Kaminskas — General Director of UAB Klasmann Deilmann Šilutė