for tomorrow

Talentor Ukraine
Whether in IT, Retail, E-Commerce, FinTech, FMCG, or another industry: Talentor Ukraine combines time-tested HR solutions with the newest innovations and approaches.
The MIRA top recruiting team has been successfully working in the recruitment services market, covering a wide range of communications in Ukraine for more than 8 years.
Our goal is to study your need as closely as possible and offer candidates who do not only meet the request criteria, but also share your corporate values.
The result of the company's cooperation with MIRA top recruiting will be a high-quality and timely selection of effective candidates with a confirmed professional reputation to fill vacant management and narrow-profile positions.

Miroslava Trandash
Miroslava has a long-term positive experience in setting and optimizing HR-management processes in ukrainian and international companies.
As a Chief Human Recourses Officer, Miroslava Trandash has a successful 15-year experience of Executive Search including 8 years activity as founder and managing partner of MIRA top recruiting.
She consulted and cooperated with big companies in such industries as retail, pharmaceutical industry, e-commerce.
Main directions of consulting projects: creation of a management teams, diagnostics of business (including, analysis of HR functions), definition of "bottlenecks" and problem zones during diagnostics, developing solutions for business improvement by people management.

Alena Chernysheva
Alena has 20-year experience in the area of human resources management including more than 15 years in business management.
Also, she has successful work experience as a Human Recourses Director in ukrainian and international companies in such industries as: IT, retail, construction, international logistic, banking, HoReCa.
Alena Chernysheva specializes in creation of very productive recruitment teams.
Her approach is to build recruitment process with love and digital.

Marina Bogushko
Marina has deep expertise and over 20 years of practical experience in Executive Search & Head Hunting. Her successful experience resides at the building of internal and external recruitment departments, launching talent acquisition, onboarding & adaptation business processes in large companies and more than 200 successful placements on top and key positions for different companies in various industries.

Nataliia Vovk
Natalia has 20-year experience in IT sphere, 13 of them in IT recruitment including managerial experience.
As Key Account Manager Natalia consulates the clients and cooperates with partners of MIRA top recruiting. Also, she leads a team of IT-recruiters who works in the office and remotely.
Natalia Vovk provides as a Team Lead of IT-recruiters a full cycle of IT recruitment services with the focus on Middle/Senior positions.
Natalia has an experience as Head of IT recruiting in such big international IT companies as Innovecs, Miratech.

Svetlana Molochnaya
Work experience: 15 years in recruitment, managing the recruitment process in major ukrainian companies, leading of executive search function in one of the Ukraine`s top recruitment agencies.
Also, Svetlana has a positive experience in executive search projects for ukrainian and international companies in such industries as retail, e-commerce, manufacturing, heavy Industries, national and world logistics operators, etc.
Yuliya Gribovskaya
Yuliya works in the area of recruiting in finance and Investment industries for Banks, Retail (FMCG).
Work experience: 10 years in Ukrainian recruitment market. As a Head of the Talent Acquisition Department in one of the largest banks in Ukraine Yuliya was responsible for the recruitment and adaptation of personnel, as well as the implementation of new processes and procedures.
Yuliya’s internship in New York helps her to do the best projects for clients of MIRA top recruiting.
10 steps to a successful employer branding strategy
A Partnership that lasts: All about Talentor Ukraine
The Talentor Partner Meeting 2024 in Vienna: The largest to date
MIRA Top Recruiting
01001 Kiev
MIRA Top Recruiting
Khreschatyk-Straße 27a, Office 20.21
01001, Kiev