Manto Antoniotti Solares —
April 2024

Sabrina Bao is Talentor China’s new Associate Partner

We have great news from our partners in China! This past month, Sabrina Bao, has become Associate Partner at Talentor China and as she mentions it has been a very valuable and exciting journey since her beginnings in the company. Learn more about her new role and professional experience here!
Sabine Steiner —
April 2024

We are now in Colombia! Introducing our new partners Arquitectura del Talento

At Talentor International we are very proud to put one more pin on the map of the Latin American territory! We believe in the enormous potential and professionalism of this region and that is why we are very happy to enhance Talentor's presence in South America, especially in Colombia, and we have…
Manto Antoniotti Solares —
March 2024

The impact of artificial intelligence within our network

At Talentor we understand the current importance and relevance that AI has in our industry at a global and exponential level and that is why we have developed the initiative of our own AI Masterclasses.
Doug Mackay —
March 2024

Unlock Your Career Potential: Download Collingwood's Job Seekers Guide Today!

Are you ready to take the next step in your career journey? Are you tired of your current role, bored and lack enthusiasm? Or is your employer not meeting your expectations? If you are wanting to find that ideal new role in a great company who can offer you much more than your current employer,…
Manto Antoniotti Solares —
February 2024

Once again, we confirm our commitment to quality! We have extended our quality certificate with another audit

For recruitment and executive search providers, meeting client expectations is paramount. A Quality Management System ensures that the recruitment processes align with client requirements, no matter which consultant or partner is leading the project.
Ken Schmitt —
January 2024
In today's dynamic global economy, understanding U.S. compensation intricacies is no longer a luxury but a necessity. The 2024 Compensation Guide, thoughtfully curated by our US Talentor Partner, TurningPoint Executive Search, aims to unravel the complexities of the U.S. job market, providing…
Alberto Fernández Varela —
January 2024

Celebrating 10 years of Servitalent!

Our Spanish partners, Servitalent, are celebrating their 10th Anniversary, and as they mention it has been an adventure since its beginning in 2014. The Servitalent team continues to work tirelessly to offer innovative solutions in the field of executive search and recruiting, both, nationally and…
Manto Antoniotti Solares —
January 2024

Diving into the Mexican and Latin American market with Vertico

Vertico, is a company that specializes in recruiting for a range of positions, from top management to commercial levels, in diverse industries such as internet, venture capital, private equity, and Biomedics.
Sabine Steiner —
January 2024
We are very pleased to consolidate our presence in India! Jay (GC Jayaprakash) is the Founder Director of Accrete Executive Search, the company that joins Talentor to cover the Indian market complementing and joining forces with our other partners from Anakin Management Consultants.
Gertraud Eregger —
December 2023

Learning Zone Leadership Camp

We believe that learning happens in community. Initiated by thought provoking keynotes, learning sessions and updates from everyone from the Leaders4Tomorrow Program team.
Michael Sarsteiner —
December 2023
We are very pleased to strengthen our presence in UK! Doug Mackay is the Managing Director of Collingwood Executive Search, a boutique Executive Search & Leadership Development consultancy that joins Talentor to cover the England and Wales market complementing and joining forces with our other…
Olga Kolpak —
November 2023

A new partnership in Executive Search - KSR/Talentor Germany Frankfurt and sparkm

Exactly 20 years after the company was founded and 10 years of membership in the globally growing Talentor network, KSR (Kaiser Stähler Recruitment Consulting) is expanding its range of services. The partners of the management and personnel consultancy sparkm, Hagen Sinapius and Konstantin A.…