Shaping future business

In our blog Entrepreneurs, HR Managers and HR professionals, and leaders for tomorrow, find articles, news and trends in Recruitment, Human Resources, Marketing, Employer Branding, Talent Management or interesting events. We look forward to seeing you regularly!

HR SEO: Here’s How to Write Job Ads that Are Found in Google and Online Job Platforms

The most important part of a job ad is the job title. It determines whether candidates can find the job and if they decide to click on it. It makes sense to take enough time to research the perfect job title.

Client Event at Talentor Summit: Human Resources in 2025

Everyone is talking about the changes in Human Ressources that we are facing the next years. Population Ageing, effects of greater transparency in the labour market, the boom of freelancing, new organizational models for the digital age to mention just a few. Together with (HR) managers, we want to…

Get to Know Talentor India

The world’s largest democracy is home to Talentor’s newest partner. What surprises does this gigantic market have in store? Find out in this interview with Pritul Sanghavi, senior vice president of Anakin.

Recruiting with Chatbots

Remember the talking paperclip in Microsoft Word? It was a little annoying, but it was a forerunner to a phenomenon that has now reached the world of recruiting. Chatbots are increasingly taking over websites and simulating amazingly authentic conversations with users and potential applicants.

The Perfect Job Ad

The job ad is the first impression a job seeker gets of your company. With our 6 tips you will write job ads that inspire and invite candidates to apply.
What set of capacities (networks, reputation), capabilities (potentials, skills, and human capital), and what mindsets will employees in Austria need in the future? Surprising results emerged in the Talentor Future lab.

Arising Young leaders

Today, Helen is celebrating her 2nd work anniversary in Talentor China. She took an interview to share her experience and feeling about how to transform from a young consultant to a team leader.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Recruitment

Philosophers and scientists are studying the mind of people for as long as we can remember. Our passion for knowledge always leads us to the question, "How can we use what we have learned for ourselves to improve our lives?"

10 Valuable Tips for Active Sourcing from SourceCon Seattle

SourceCon 2019 took place from March 19 - 21 in Seattle. As in previous years, epunkt employees attended the largest sourcing conference worldwide. Maria Harvey and Christopher Moser reveal the innovative ideas and impulses that have taken them across the pond.

VUCA in HR – how to adapt to the VUCA world as a leader

VUCA: A term that has become increasingly important over the past ten years. Many know it is somehow connected to companies and the challenges of digitization. But what does the acronym mean in detail and how can HR managers and leaders adapt to these circumstances?

Evolution of employment

Our partner in South Africa, Jeannine Dickie created an interesting infographic about the developments in employment.

The Working World 4.0 in the Context of Online and Social Collaboration

Our world is changing quickly and continuously. The digital transformation and the related networking of the entire world are changing how we work. Online communication technologies are making new and more efficient forms of collaboration possible. Work is becoming more and more time and location…