Shaping future business

In our blog Entrepreneurs, HR Managers and HR professionals, and leaders for tomorrow, find articles, news and trends in Recruitment, Human Resources, Marketing, Employer Branding, Talent Management or interesting events. We look forward to seeing you regularly!

The Digital Workspace 2025: Time for Holograms, Flexibility, and Mobility

A large number of millennials will join the workforce by 2025. Expectations for a more agile approach to collaboration are increasing. The need for innovative technologies is simultaneously increasing. Virtual reality and augmented reality in the workplace are two examples of this. A smartphone and…

3 Steps to a Better Candidate Experience

Time to walk in the shoes of your applicants – they are the focus of this article. Candidate experience is the buzz word of 2019 when it comes to improving the application process. The development of a candidate journey is the most structured path for turning applicants into fans.

Dynamic New (Management) Duo for Talentor Austria

Two experienced business leaders have joined Talentor Austria with powerful visions for further growth. What is their approach? How do they tick? Read on to discover more.

Premier Partner Meeting in Asia: Shanghai 2019

One very special feature of the Talentor partner network: our community from around the globe meets up in person twice a year. This builds relationships that add immense value both to the businesses and their clients. This year, the meeting took place for the first time in Asia.

Introducing Talentor Singapore

Talentor is continuing its rapid growth! We are pleased to welcome Talentor Singapore into our network. Managing Partner Vijay Ryan gives us the scoop on our latest partner and executive search in Singapore.

Optimize your LinkedIn profile: 8 steps to a personal brand

Your LinkedIn profile is not only an instrument for your recruiting activities, it also gives you the chance to establish a personal brand as a credible & trustworthy recruiter, that candidates like to work with.

Client Workshop in Shanghai 2019

Talentor Management Workshop in Shanghai 2019 together with the partners of Talentor network. This year's topic is "How to Develop a Multicultural Team!" We will talk about cultural differences and specialities in recruiting in China with Chinese HR Managers and CEO´s of local and international…

VDI Karrieretag

Wir machen Ingenieurkarrieren. Sie haben die Gelegenheit, in den direkten Dialog mit renommierten Unternehmen zu treten und sich ausführlich über Einstellungsmöglichkeiten und Karrierechancen zu informieren – ganz egal ob als Young Professional, erfahrener Ingenieur oder technische Fach- und…

Talentor China – Interview with our partner Michael Wang in Shanghai

China has long since ceased to be a "sleeping giant." The economy has grown extremely quickly in recent decades and is about three times as big today as it was ten years ago. We ask Michael Wang what everyday business life looks like and what challenges foreign companies are facing in China. Two…

Virtual and Augmented Reality on the Job

Not just for games anymore: virtual and augmented reality are taking over the workplace. Here is what you can expect from this brave new world.

Talentor Expands to the United Kingdom

Talentor is jumping into the dynamic hidden champion in the British economy with a fast-growing partner. Get to know Denholm Associates in this conversation with Director Douglas Cross.

Talentor Advisory Board

“The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself.” Oscar Wilde