Shaping future business

In our blog Entrepreneurs, HR Managers and HR professionals, and leaders for tomorrow, find articles, news and trends in Recruitment, Human Resources, Marketing, Employer Branding, Talent Management or interesting events. We look forward to seeing you regularly!

Barbara Ulman —
December 2022
What are the major trends and challenges in HR? How strongly are the companies affected? And what measures should be taken? International HR experts and Talentor partners from around the globe investigated these questions in the Talentor Future Lab 2022.
Külli Gutmann —
December 2022

Challenges and perspectives of HR in 2023

More than 230 participants* from 41 countries attended the live Webinar themed "Ready for tomorrow: Talent Strategies for 2023." We covered a wide range of best practices on our worldwide panel, including those pertaining to HR-Strategies 2023, Recruiting, Retention Management, NewWork, Diversity,…
Manto Antoniotti Solares —
November 2022

Generation Z – The future is all yours!

Who is Gen Z? How do they think, feel and act in our world? What is their impact? What do they rebel for? How can employees understand the youngest generation in the job market? Gen Z, also called Post-Millenials is THE hope for today´s job market. We feel the loss of huge numbers of people across…
Gertraud Eregger —
November 2022

Millennials – our managers of today and tomorrow

The ambiguous Generation Y – leaders who are self-assured, prospering, or who are advancing in their careers. Having it all together from the outside, while internally constantly attempting to maximize purpose, impact, and time. Time being the scarcest resource.
Gertraud Eregger —
November 2022

HR & New Work – smart, flexible, and still in fixing mode?

On Day 1 of the Talentor Summit in Rome, we’ve had the pleasure to welcome a diverse team of global HR leaders based in Italy to discuss their daily challenges and we discussed what it takes today to find, motivate, and develop top talent.

Quiet Quitting: Is "duty by the book" about to replace the extra mile?

Not to quit, but to work 'only' as much as is demanded: Quiet Quitting is making big waves as a Tiktok phenomenon in the United States. Should we worry about that too? Are quiet quitters on the rise? And what can, should, or must companies do to motivate them again?
Sabine Steiner —
October 2022

Introducing our new partner Carrington Associates in Australia

We are thrilled to introduce our new partner in Australia Carrington Associates. Get to know our new partner in this interview with Managing Partner Sachin Khisti.
Gertraud Eregger —
October 2022

Looking back to our Talentor Games in Rome

Sabine Steiner —
October 2022

Capus enters the Swedish recruitment market

The Norwegian recruitment company Capus enters a strategic partnership with Talentor Sweden AB and predicts significant growth within the next few years. “We are now establishing Capus in Gothenburg, Malmö, and Stockholm together with Talentor,” says CEO Bjørn Gjølme of Capus.
Gertraud Eregger —
September 2022

Talentor Talk - Cultural Awareness in International Business

Talentor created a new series of brief Talentor Talks. The first one takes us into the leadership secrets of working in a global business, and how we can thrive both at work and in life when we live abroad.

Introducing our new partner People Power Placements

We are thrilled to introduce our new partner in South Africa People Power Placement (P3) in this interview with Managing Partner Auguste Coetzer.

Hunt Scanlon Top Global 40 ranking 2022

We did it again!!! We are thrilled to announce that Talentor International has once again been listed among the TOP 40 Global Recruiters by Hunt Scanlon Media, one of the most cited sources of human capital market information.