Personal Branding for Recruiters: How to Improve Your Online Presence

Things used to be much simpler. Hardly anyone had a public platform – what you saw is what you got. Now in this digital, transparent world, nearly everyone has become a self-promoter, whether they want to or not. After all, not being visible online also sends a message these days. That should be…

Welcome to New Work: The Workplace of the Future

The questions how and where we will work have become more topical than ever. Will the corona crisis clear the way for “new work”? Here you will discover an overview of the form of work futurists think will be the next megatrend.

Video Interviews - the Digital Lifeline for Recruiting in Times of Crisis?

As a recent study by the Institute for Competitive Recruiting (ICR) shows, two thirds of companies now want to digitize their recruiting more. In the past two weeks, the institute has surveyed more than 500 employers in German-speaking countries on the topic of “Recruiting in times of Corona”.…

Executive Search and Recruiting during the corona crisis

Who gets the best talent in the current job market? - Who doesn't stop applying for them now. 5 tips for successful recruiting during the crisis.

Recruiting 4.0 - What Is Really Important in the Future

Absolute transparency and unbelievably quick processes

Insights for International Career Couples

From a small Alpine town to professional growth in Ethiopia and Jamaica: Talentor International team member Gertraud Eregger shares how both she and her husband have combined international careers and parenthood.

8 Signals about the Future of Work Critical to Headhunters

What are the future trends relevant to labour markets around the world? What challenges are we facing in the next 20 years and how can we prepare as employers and as executive search partners? One of the highlights of this year’s Talentor Summit in Barcelona was the presentation and workshop led…
Executive search has always been the supreme discipline of recruiting. A discrete recruiting process, a candidate centered approach and the use of intelligent sourcing tactics describe the routine of an executive search consultant. But how does the future of executive search lool alike, what are…

HR SEO: Here’s How to Write Job Ads that Are Found in Google and Online Job Platforms

The most important part of a job ad is the job title. It determines whether candidates can find the job and if they decide to click on it. It makes sense to take enough time to research the perfect job title.

Recruiting with Chatbots

Remember the talking paperclip in Microsoft Word? It was a little annoying, but it was a forerunner to a phenomenon that has now reached the world of recruiting. Chatbots are increasingly taking over websites and simulating amazingly authentic conversations with users and potential applicants.

Evolution of employment

Our partner in South Africa, Jeannine Dickie created an interesting infographic about the developments in employment.

The Working World 4.0 in the Context of Online and Social Collaboration

Our world is changing quickly and continuously. The digital transformation and the related networking of the entire world are changing how we work. Online communication technologies are making new and more efficient forms of collaboration possible. Work is becoming more and more time and location…