Strategies for a healthy group dynamic with colleagues

You have brought together the brightest minds to solve a problem and expect good results. However, something is amiss in the team. Frustration is building up. Why is the team not delivering results? Here's how you can optimize the group dynamics with your colleagues.

Managing A Business In A Downturn Economy

A recession typically refers to a downturn in the economy where about 75% of business turnover will be severely affected. These kinds of downturns ordinarily last 18 – 24 months. However, in South Africa, this is exacerbated by the lack of energy stability and a decline in optimal infrastructure.…
At Talentor International, we believe in staying ahead of the curve when it comes to talent acquisition and retention. That's why we conducted the first-ever Talentor Global Talent Survey, engaging in strategic conversations with 118 executives across 22 countries. Our respondents included CEOs…

The 4-day week … a talent magnet and the glue for your team

What if you could work fewer hours, have more time for yourself and your family, and still be more productive and happier at work? Well, this may no longer be just a dream but a reality, thanks to the four-day week.

Talent Management – now more important than ever!

In today's environment, talent management has grown increasingly important. Organizations must offer an environment favorable to development, thriving, and growth in order to generate future leaders.

How much does an unfilled position cost?

Unfilled positions are a costly matter! On average, an unfilled position costs an employer 29,000 Euro. With varying degrees of success, the topic of a shortage of skilled labor has been discussed for decades. A solution to the situation, however, is currently being sought in vain. Instead, the…

Generation Z – The future is all yours!

Who is Gen Z? How do they think, feel and act in our world? What is their impact? What do they rebel for? How can employees understand the youngest generation in the job market? Gen Z, also called Post-Millenials is THE hope for today´s job market. We feel the loss of huge numbers of people across…

Millennials – our managers of today and tomorrow

The ambiguous Generation Y – leaders who are self-assured, prospering, or who are advancing in their careers. Having it all together from the outside, while internally constantly attempting to maximize purpose, impact, and time. Time being the scarcest resource.

Quiet Quitting: Is "duty by the book" about to replace the extra mile?

Not to quit, but to work 'only' as much as is demanded: Quiet Quitting is making big waves as a Tiktok phenomenon in the United States. Should we worry about that too? Are quiet quitters on the rise? And what can, should, or must companies do to motivate them again?
How do we want to work in the future? Working just to make money and make ends meet is out – the workforce of the future will want more. More flexibility, more meaning, more possibilities. What can you do now to position yourself as a top employer in the future? We have looked at current trends in…

How to prepare for a job interview? 3 Tips from a recruitment consultant

You landed a job interview? Congratulations! Now what? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Now it is time to look at how to ace that job interview too. It is important to know that giving a killer interview consists of 2 steps: preparing for the interview and the interview itself. In this article…

The Great Resignation

When we first heard about the current workplace phenomenon ‘The Great Resignation’ or ‘Big Quit’ in the USA, we immediately had the picture of the Big Migration in Kenya in mind. Millions of wild beasts cross countries each summer and the movement is triggered by the dry season. In search of water…